Transportapp App - Full Project Angular - Ionic

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Full Project

Application for the tracking of coordinates in realtime, control and delivery of orders, module development for tracking through the gps and where these coordinates are captured in our backend system made in Javascript (Firestore - Cloud Functions). This system is also available the code of the backend is given after having acquired the application of ionic

Capture is done through the background continuously and sent to a database in mysql, then display the tracking in google maps

Functioning List of Orders Order Details Report Form (Image, Text, Geolocation (Position) Map to locate the direction of the orders (Google Maps). Using the plugins

Google Maps




GPS Tracking - background

Background Mode 

+ App Customer  where you can request a route or transport for your orders, you can verify the value of the route including its destination, making the request, which will arrive at the Admin Dashboard.

+ App Driver, this application allows you to see the assigned orders, delivery form, includes, photo capture, geolocation, signature, description. You can track the route and capture it in real time by driver, you can view it on the dashboard in the Maps section - Tracking

+ Angular App version 10 includes user management (CRUD), orders (CRUD), tracking query by driver, graphs, order board, orders requested by customer

+Cloud Function project, where emails are sent, orders reports

+Firebase - Firestore - Hosting - Functions

Remember that you must create a project in Firebase, to be able to host your entire database (Firestore). Those credentials are placed in the project environment.

Demo Dashboard

Demo App Driver:

Demo App Customer:


 Documentation Instalation

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1. App Angular v10 - Dasboard (Code) 2.Ionic v5 App Customer (Code) 3. Ionic v5 App Driver (Code) 4. CloudFunction (Code)

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Transportapp App - Full Project Angular - Ionic

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